Sunday, September 14, 2008

Journal: La Mariposa

La Mariposa by Francisco Jimenez and illustrated by Simon Silva

I really enjoyed the story that Jimenez told with this book. I think that it was a valuable read, because we understand the challenges that children like Francisco go through everyday. I personally felt like it helped me understand how stressful it is for these children, and how the stress can affect many aspects of their life. I think that teachers would find this book valuable, because they could use it in their classroom if they had children whose primary language was Spanish. It may help the child feel included in the community that is the classroom. I also think it is valuable, because as educators we may be frustrated with the child because we don't know how to get through to them, but at the same time they are just as frustrated as we are. I think Jimenez did an excellent job at helping us see both sides of the spectrum.

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